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來自東北亞的祝福 Greetings from Northeast Asia
2015/11/7, SAT, 19:30

積志木笛四重奏 (濱松/日本) 

Sekishi Recorder Quartet, Hamamatsu/Japan 



Founded in 1972 in Hamamatsu, Japan, Sekishi Recorder Quartet is one of the leading amateur recorder groups in Japan.  Several members have joined and left the group since its foundation. Having had two recorder makers in the group's history, they mostly use the instruments of their own making.  Most of the music they play is on the arrangements by the players themselves, part of which have been published as "Sekishi Recorder Quartet Recorder Transcriptions" in 12 volumes from Recorder JP Inc. 


Keiji Sone, an officer of an instrument manufacturing company, has been playing in the group for 32 years. He has done most of the arrangements for the group.  Ryuji Tokunaga is a recorder maker at another instrument company. He has been a central player of the group for 34 years.  Haruhiko Saito is a secondary-school English teacher and has been a member for 7 years.  Yasuhisa Uchiumi is an employee of the same instrument company as Sone's.  Having joined the group this year, he is the newest member of the group.

首爾木笛樂團 (首爾/韓國) 

The Blockflöten Seoul, Seoul/South Korea

The Blockflöten Seoul 首爾木笛樂團由六位國內外木笛主修的音樂人組成,他們致力於真實詮釋從中世紀、巴洛克時期到當代的音樂風貌。自創團以來,他們不斷的在韓國各地演出,還受邀到首爾國際古樂音樂季和春川古樂音樂季參與演出,也增加了越來越多的支持者。首爾木笛樂團的目標是呈現活潑但細緻的演出,他們也不斷的在木笛音樂上創新並挑戰極限。


Blockflöte means ‚Recorder‘ in German and this german word denotes the wind instrument with stopper. The Blockflöten Seoul consists of six musicians who majored recorder in domestic and abroad. The Ensemble is dedicated to the authentic interpretation of music from the Middle Ages to the Baroque and contemporary music. Since foundation, they have performed in Seoul, Busan, Gwangmeong, Ansan, Goyang, Chuncheon and others. In addition, the Ensemble was invited Seoul International Early Music Festival and Chuncheon Intermational Early Music Festival. Now they have many devotees in Korea. The aim of the Blockflöten Seoul is always lively authenticity and thougful performance. They find inventive joyful music and challenge the limitations of recorder.

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